whereas- conj. while on the contrary Ex. Students respect teachers at school, whereas at Taylor students pie teachers. [early 15c.,"in consideration of the fact that," from where + as]
capable- adj. having power and ability; competent Ex. Though his father knew he was capable of fixing his car, his father continued to lecture him on what he should do. -capability [from L. capax "able to hold much" from L.L. capabilis "receptive," from Gk. kaptein "to swallow, gulp down"]
ongoing- adj. continuing without termination or interruption Ex. The murder of the Anthony Murdoff is still unsolved and has been ongoing for over two years. [from 1877, from on + going]
compatible- adj. able to exist together with something else Ex. The donor's blood was a compatible match with Billy's, therefore he could have the surgery. -compatibility [from M.Fr. compatible (15c.), from M.L. compatibilis, from L.L compati]
notion- n. a general understanding Ex. During the 16th century, many people could not believe the notion that the Earth revolves around the sun and that the sun center of the solar system. -notionless [from L. notionem "concept,"]
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