strategy-n. a plan, method, or series of maneuvers or stratagems for obtaining a specific goal or result Ex. The general's strategy was brilliant; he had his army attack from the front, while also flanking them from both sides and having his bowmen rain arrows on the opponents from above. -strategic [from Fr. stratégie, from Gk. strategia]
research-n. diligent and systematic inquiry or investigation into a subject in order to discover or revise facts Ex. Dylan had to do extensive research for a history paper on Richard Nixon. -researchful [from M.Fr. recerche (1530s), from O.Fr. recercher]
cite- v. to mention in support, proof, or confirmation Ex. In geometry we must proof almost every single question we answer( so I am forced to cite many conjectures and properties we were taught before) explaining how we know this. -unciteable [from O.Fr. citer, from L. citare]
phase- n. a stage in a process of change or development Ex. All teenage children go through a phase called puberty where children's bodies are maturing and developing. -unphased [from Gk. phasis]
data- n. a body of facts; information Ex. For Billy's experiment, he planted two avocado seeds one in sunlight and the other in shade. Then he recorded the data and what he observed every two days. -predata [from L. datum]
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