practitioner- n. person who practices a profession Ex. After getting the results back from the MRI, the medical practitioner told my grandmother that they had found a tumor in her pancreas. -practice [from L.L. practicus "fit for action," from O.Fr. practiser "to practice,"]
evaluate- v. to decide the value or worth of Ex. Ben was as healthy as a horse; he had a good heart rate, well-developed muscles, not an ounce of fat, no heritable diseases, but he had very poor eyesight, so he failed the health evaluation and couldn't join the Air Force. -misevaluate [from Fr. évaluer "to find the value of,"]

intrinsic- adj. essential or natural to something Ex. The intrinsic value of the metals making up a nickel is greater than the value of the nickel itself. -intrinsically [from L. intrinsecus "inwardly, on the inside,"]
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