capacity- n. ability Ex. After 6 months of conditioning, Gary increased his lung capacity so that he could swim in the Olympics. -incapacity [from M.Fr. capacité "breadth," from L. capacitatem "capacity,"]

adequately- adv. something done well enough Ex. The essay Bobby wrote for his English assignment adequately portrayed life in Brazil. -preadequateness [from L. adaequatus "equalized"]
anonymous- adj. not named or identified Ex. The love letter Emma received was signed anonymous. -anonymousness [from L.L. anonymus, from Gk. anonymos "without a name,"]
harassment- n. the act of verbally or physically harming or annoying someone Ex. After being harassed by his boss for 3 years, John, in a rage, threw his chair out the window, broke his computer monitor, and quit his job. -overharassment [from O.Fr. harier "to harry, draw, drag"]
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