gender- n. either of two groups into which many living things are divided (male or female) Ex. Unfortunately, because my Claydol, in my Pokemon Emerald, is genderless, I am unable to breed it. -genderless [from L. genus "race, stock, order; species"]
comprise- make up; to form Ex. Mills High School is comprised mostly of Asians but there are a few Caucasian, Hispanic, and Black. -comprisable [from O.Fr. comprendre "to contain"]
adapt- v. to change to fit a new situation Ex. In the Congo the common reed frog, in a situation where the population of male frogs is insubstantial, can adapt to this by activating a sex gene to develop male organs and destroy female organs. -welladapted [from L. adaptare "adjust,"]
conduct- v. to behave in a particular manner Ex. To quench his curious scientific mind, Billy conducted a science lab on what effects does burning have on some elements like; Aluminum, Calcium, Barium, Sodium, and Copper. -nonconductibility [from L. conductus "to lead or bring together"]
paradigm- n. a model or example Ex. After the old manager retired, he was replaced by a young Caucasian man with an outstanding nose and cool green eyes who brought a new type of paradigm of supervising us letting us work on our projects freely without much influence on them. -paradigmatic [from L.L. paradigma "pattern, example," from Gk. paradeigma "pattern, model,"]
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