interfere- v. to get in the way of Ex. Tony yelled at his daughter to not interfere, that it was an argument between her mother and him. -noninterferingly [from L ferire "to knock, strike,"]
emerge- v. to become known Ex. The first golden rays of the sun bathe the landscape as the wood brown gopher emerges from its burrow. -unemerging [from L. emergere "rise out or up, bring forth,"]
exploit- v. to make use of. often unfairly Ex. After discovered the minute flaw in the Citibank's system, Gary spent the last 5 years secretly exploiting the flaw, transferring almost 11 million dollars. -unexploitative [from c.1400 esploiten "to accomplish, achieve, fulfill," from O.Fr. expleiter "use selfishly,"]
furthermore- adv. in addition to what came before Ex. Mr. Sikes introduced himself and stated that he'd be coaching the high school football team furthermore teaching AP English. [from O.E. fyrðan "further, impel," + mara "greater, more,"]