undernourished- adj. to not provide enough for health or growth Ex. Fred slowly walked down the poor suburban street sadly pitying the undernourished Haitian people lying around. -undernourishment [from L. infernus "lower, below" + nutrire "to feed, nurse, foster, support, preserve,"]
extract- v. to remove Ex. The surgeon gingerly cut into the patient's brain and carefully extracted the tumor.
-unextractable [from L.L. extractum "to draw out"]
modify- v. to make changes, alter Ex. The programmer let out a relieved breath after finishing his new modified program so it was now almost impossible to hack; encrypted with a 20-number code, hundreds of firewalls, and a burn system if anyone tried to copy the data. -unmodifiable [from L. modificare "to limit, restrain,"]

-deoxyribonucleic acid [from 1931 deoxy-, from de- + oxy(gen), 2' hydroxyl (-OH), oxygen + ribose]
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